Experiencing integration, wholeness, authenticity, and sovereignty is the result of delving deep into healing.
Individual Zoom Sessions:
Soul Retrieval ~Parts Work~ Inner Child Work~ Deprogramming
Soul Retrieval/Inner Child Work: This is a shamanic journey to retrieve parts of yourself that have fragmented during times of trauma. This is a powerful process that will create shifts in your life. Be prepared to go deep and to be willing to allow space for integration after this process is completed.
Parts Work: You will be able to explore, heal, and resolve splits within yourself and overcome any resistance you have to making the changes you want in your life.
Deprogramming: You will be able to identify and release lifelong programming that is running in your subconscious mind and the core beliefs that are connected to the programming.​​

Breath Work Ceremony
~ Emotional Release Work
Breathwork is a powerful tool to connect with our suppressed emotions and release stuck energy. With the use of drumming, rattles, sage, cedar, and feathers, I can assist you in your healing journey. It can be intense but transformative experience. Show up for yourself to unlock your inner potential through the power of breath.
Semi-Private Plant Medicine Ceremony
During a semi-private ceremony (4-5 participants), we gather in a tipi around a fire and work with Grandfather medicine (peyote). Our ceremonies involve four directions and each participant has the opportunity to work in each direction. We provide a safe and supportive environment for processing, journaling, and spending time with the medicine. ONAC Membership is required and I can help you with this requirement.